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Interreg IPA II Croatia Serbia RESCUE started on April 01, 2019

On April 01, 2019 RESLab team started participation in Interreg IPA II Croatia Serbia CBC project RESCUE - Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings. More on https://rescue-ipa.eu/ and reslab.ferit.hr.
Main goal of this project is to demonstrate innovative RES and EE approach for public buildings in the cross-border region. FERIT and FTN gained substantial know-how in the field of RES by implementing small-scale RES on their public buildings through successful cooperation on bilateral projects aiming to establish common research and education frame in the cross-border region. This project will strengthen this cooperation and involve new partners - KCV, KBCO and SFSB. 

Main data of project:
Interreg IPAII Croatia Serbia, project number HR-RS303 Start Date: 01.04.2019  End date: 30.09.2021.

Partners: Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), Novi Sad Serbia (lead), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science ad Information Technology (FERIT) Osijek, Machine Engineering Faculty (SFSB) Slavonski Brod, Croatia, Clinical Center of Vojvodina (KCV) Novi Sad Serbia, Clinical Hospital Center (KBCO) Osijek, Croatia
Total budget: 1.936.989,91 € (EU IPA II funding 1.646.411,40 €)
FERIT budget: 376.757,61 € (EU IPA II funding 320.243,96 €)

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